Nickvoice is a audio terminology which customers will meet when learning and using
AV Voice Changer Software. It was started from
"Nickname", Nickvoice - aka the ready-to-use output voices is known as a nickname of a specific voice and as a replacement for voice, which is used simply for convenience.
Nickvoice is presetted to change voice in real time with VoIP and Instant Messaging programs, online games or different purposes. You also can create and save your own Nickvoice by using
Voice Changer Software.
Change voice by using nickvoice with Voice Changer Software |
1. Kinds of Nickvoice:
- Famous people nickvoice:
Justin Bieber Nickvoice ,
Obama Nickvoice , The Artist - Oscar Award 2012
- Animals Nickvoice (cat, cow, dog, chipmunk,...)
- Music Nickvoice (March, rock, pop, …)
- Nature Phenomena Nickvoice (blizzard, earthquake, fire, flood,...)
- Holiday nickvoice: New Year, Valentine, April Fools Day, July Fourth, Summer, Thanksgiving,
Halloween, Christmas.
- Movie nickvoice
- Games nickvoice
2. Download and install Nickvoice
Go to this site:
and download any Nickvoice Package.
- Install Nickvoice:
If you dowload .exe files, Nickvoice package will be added into software automatically
If you download .rar or .zip files, you need to extract it and manually load into compatible module (.nvc files with Voice morpher, .eq file with Equalizer respectively...).